highest Standards

4 year award

The award is valid for four years. Valid from the presentation of the "Quality Award - Tyrolean Ski School"


The process

All Tyrolean ski schools can participate in the "Quality Award - Tyrolean ski schools".

  • Registration
    You will receive the access data to login to the secure area.
  • Participation
    SELF-CHECK: here you can find all relevant criteria. The "Self-Check Questionnaire" gives you the opportunity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your ski school.
    Important: Participation in the "Quality Award - Tyrolean ski schools" is only possible if you meet all "Compulsory Criteria":
  • Payment of fee
  • Begin
    "QUALITY AWARD - Tyrolean ski schools" - Check The Assessor Team – Q-Criterien will contact you.
  • Presentation of the results
    in the ski school by the Assessor Team – Q-Criterien
  • Official presentation of the Diploma
    and the honour "Quality Award - Tyrolean ski schools" at the annual regional meeting of the Tyrolean Ski Instructors Association.