
Useraccount already in use
A useraccount with the provided data already exists.
Invalid E-Mailaddress
A Useraccount with this email address already exists
Invalid Date format
Please enter the date in this format:
Invalid date of birth
You have to be at least 18 years of age to create an Account.
strong password
mediocre password
weak password
Your Password is not strong enough
To strengthen your password add numbers, special characters and capital letters.
Please choose truthfully about your current qualifications. This information will be checked by both the ski schools that will register you in the future and the Tyrolean ski school.
Send us your picture for the creation of your ski instructor ID*
Please choose a currenty Foto of you, that shows your face uncovert with a minimum size of 35×45 mm / 133x170 px. Accepted formats are jpg and png.
Allowed formats are .jpg and .png
The maximum imagesize is 6MB
Invalid image format
Invalid imagesize
Mandatory Field empty
Imagefile missing
Please upload a certificate*
This should prove your qualification to your highest specified level of education. If you do not have a certificate at hand at the moment, select "None" for qualifications for the time being and submit your examination certificate later.
File missing
No certificate has been uploaded.
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